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Please review the player leveling guides below to ensure the appropriate division is selected for your player so that they can maximize their enjoyment of the game.  

Registration Information

Nashua Cal Ripken welcomes back returning players and is always accepting new players to join our Nashua Cal Ripken Baseball Community. Below is information that will help you through the registration process which is easy and takes 5-10 mins to complete.

What you need to register

You will need the following information handy to complete the registration process:

  • Your child's primary physician information
  • Your child's medical insurance card/information
  • Emergency contact information
  • A valid Visa or Mastercard to process your payment. Debit cards are accepted if used as a credit card. Checks are also accepted.
Levels Descriptions (Click for more information)
  • T-ball (Ages 4, 5 & 6)
  • Rookies (Ages 6, 7 & 8)
  • Minors (Ages 7 & 8)
  • AAA (Ages 9 & 10)
  • Majors (Ages 10, 11 & 12)

* If you find that you still need assistance selecting the appropriate level for your child please email Registrar, Mike Levine at for assistance.

  • TBall, Rookies, and Minors: $40.00 per player
  • AAA and Majors: $50.00 per player

Payment must be completed before your child is considered registered. A registration slot will not be reserved until your payment is processed.  Orders in the shopping card are not considered paid. If you pay by check, your order will be completed once your check is received and processed.

Parent/Guardian Listing

During registration, one Parent/Guardian account will be created. Please be sure to add additional Parents/Guardians as this information is necessary for us to keep you informed of league events and in the rare case of an emergency.

Code of Conduct Disclaimer

Nashua Cal Ripken reserves the right to deny any player or family registration rights if they are in violation of the league Code of Conduct in previous seasons. In the event that registration is denied, a full refund will be issued.

Player Registration

Coach / Assistant Coach Registration

Proud member of Cal Ripken Baseball
A Division of the Babe Ruth League

Copyright © 2003-2024 - Nashua Cal Ripken Baseball
All Rights Reserved